Resumes and Experience
1992 Master of Arts in TESOL. Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
2001 Doctor of Philosophy in TESOL/Children’s Literature. Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
2004 Licenses in Educational Administration and Supervision. Ashland University Ashland, Ohio
Supporting the Journey of English Learners after Trauma. Co-authored with Judith O’Loughlin. University of Michigan Press, 2021
Students with Interrupted Formal Education: Bridging Where They Are and What They Need. Co-authored with Judith O’Loughlin. Corwin Press, 2017
How To Design and Implement a Newcomer Program. Allyn and Bacon, 2011
Pocket Guide to Columbus. 1992
Franklinton: History and Heritage. 1997
"Students with Interrupted Education: Understanding Who They Are." American Educator. Spring 2020.
“Literature-based ESL for Secondary School Students,” TESOL Journal, 1998
“Newcomers Get with the Program,” American Language Review, 1999
Author of numerous teacher guides for Lotus House Publications, 1992-2007
University Teaching Experience
Adjunct Professor for The Ohio State University (2002-Present)
5620 Studies in Second Language Acquisition
5615 TESOL Methods
7189 Field Experience in TESOL
5610 Language Arts in the Bilingual / Multicultural Classroom
727 Sheltered Instruction for Content Teachers (SIOP)
727 Working with Refugee Students (co-sponsored by the Ohio Dept. of Ed.)
Adjunct Professor for Ohio Dominican, Otterbein, and Ashland University
TESOL Methods
Sheltered Instruction
ESL Literacy
Educational Consultant Business: Newcomer and ELL Services
*Supporting schools with high numbers of English learners with limited literacy skills, refugee backgrounds, and interrupted education
National Professional Development Grant Consultant/Ohio State 2009-Present
Washington DC Schools 2017-2019
Dublin City Schools 2017
School District of Lancaster, PA 2016-17
Akron City Schools 2013-14
East Linden ES, Columbus City Schools 2014-15
Ohio Department of Education 2014
Mifflin High School, Columbus, OH 2016-17
Program Developer
English Language Specialist Program for the US Embassy in Rwanda: 2020
Created an virtual training program for elementary and for secondary English teachers on best practices for teaching reading
National Professional Development Grant through Ohio State University 2009- Present
Creator of online component of teacher training module for candidates seeking alternative licensure and coach for candidates in the program
US Together Refugee Resettlement: 2018 Vocational Adult ESL Program
Teaching English Through Content: 2019 In person training for teachers in the Boneza District, Western Rwanda
International Teaching Experience
Sydney, Australia 1997
Shizuoka, Japan 2002
Puebla, Mexico 2009
University of Wuhan, China 2013
Boneza, Rwanda 2019 and 2020
Virtual Teaching Experience
National Professional Development Grant through Ohio State University 2009- Present
Created the online component of several teacher training modules for candidates seeking alternative licensure
Helped to create videos of best practices for teaching English learners
TESOL Methods courses for Ohio State University, Ashland University, and Ohio Dominican University
Developed and taught online TESOL methods courses, both synchronous and asynchronous
Webinars and professional development workshops
Presented online over several platforms, see below for topics
K-12 Teaching Experience
2005-2012 Columbus City Schools Vice Principal/Columbus Global Academy
1999-2005 Columbus City Schools ESL Coordinator/Resource Teacher
1985-1999 Columbus City Schools Middle School ESL teacher
Professional Memberships
TESOL International
Professional Responsibilities
CAEP site reviewer 2019
Chair for Refugee Concerns IS, TESOL, Inc. 2013-2016
Conference Chair for Ohio TESOL, 2012-2014
Past-President of Ohio TESOL
Professional Development Committee of International TESOL
NCATE/CAEP SPA Reviewer for TESOL, 2004-2016
Past-Chair of Secondary Interest Section of International TESOL
Served on committee to develop ESL standards for the Ohio Department of Education
Member of fairness and sensitivity committee for Ohio Graduation Test/PARCC
Co-owner of Lotus House Publications, a publishing company for ESL materials
Winner of Ameritech Impact II Disseminator Grant five consecutive years, 1990-1994
National Winner of Excellence in English Award from English-Speaking Union, 1997
Recipient of Winston Churchill Traveling Fellowship to Australia, 1998
Moira McKenzie Literacy Grant Recipient, 1996
Ohio TESOL Outstanding Achievement Award, 1995 and 2000
Ohio TESOL Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016
ESL Administrator/Coordinator for Columbus Public Schools
Coordinate ESL program at the middle and high school level
Develop and implement newcomer program and sheltered courses at secondary level
Coordinate summer school and after school programs
Assess students for initial placement into program and annual reevaluation
Coordinate teacher preparation training through The Ohio State University
Write grant proposals for state and federal funds
Present staff development workshops at local, state, and national level on:
Multicultural literature in ESL classrooms
Meeting the needs of refugee students
Establishing a newcomer program
Working with students from diverse cultural backgrounds
Federal and state guidelines for ESL programs
(for audiences of K-12 educators including ESL, classroom/content, instructional supervisors, refugee resettlement workers and school district administrators with new or increasing ELL populations)
How to Establish a Newcomer Program. Brenda Custodio and Sharon Tate.
First National Conference for Educators of Newcomer Students. Washington, D.C.:
September 26-27, 2002. Audience: K-12 Educators
How to Establish a Newcomer Program. Brenda Custodio. Ohio TESOL.
October 2005. Audience: K-12 ESL Educators
Sharing ESL Methods with Mainstream Teachers. Kate Reynolds, Judith O’Loughlin, and Brenda Custodio. Elementary Education and Secondary Education Intersection, TESOL. March 2004 and March 2005. Audience: K-12 Educators
How to Establish a Newcomer Program. Brenda Custodio and Mary Donovan. TESOL Academy. Chicago, IL: June 23-24, 2006. Audience: K-12 Educators
Starting a Newcomer Program. Brenda Custodio. OKI Conference. Cincinnati, OH: May 6, 2008. Audience: K-12 Educators
How to Establish a Newcomer Program. Brenda Custodio and Mary Donovan. TESOL PCI. New York, NY: April 2, 2008. Audience: K-12 Educators
Starting an ESL Program. Judith O’Loughlin and Brenda Custodio. TESOL Webinar. November 2008. Audience: K-Adult Educators, both ESL and EFL
Working with New Arrivals. Deborah Short, Heidi Platt, and Brenda Custodio. SSIS Academic Session. TESOL. Boston, MA: March 2010. Audience: K-12 Educators
How to Design and Implement a Newcomer Program. Brenda Custodio. Pearson Webinar. March 25, 2011. Audience: K-12 Educators
Best Practices for Student with Interrupted Formal Education. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin, ASCD. Philadelphia, PA: March 25, 2012 Audience: K-12 Educators
How to Establish a Newcomer Program, Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin,
CABE, Long Beach, CA, February 13, 2013 Audience: K-12 ESL and Bilingual Educators, school principals, supervisors, and instructional aides
Guest speaker at Refugee Youth and Violence Conference sponsored by University of Tennessee.
May 30-31, 2013. Washington, DC.
Working with ELLs and Their Families. Diversity Seminar Speaker. Mount Vernon Nazarene University. October 23, 2013. Audience: all education students at MVNU
Helping Newcomers Meet the Challenges of the Common Core. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. California Reading Association, November 1-2, 2013, Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA Audience: K-12 Reading Specialists
Establishing a Newcomer Program and Introducing Standards-Based Instruction and Assessment.
Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. Ohio TESOL Conference, November 15, 2013.
How to Establish a Newcomer Program. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin,
TESOL PCI Portland, OR: March 25, 2014 Audience: K-12 Educators
Newcomer Programs: Supports for New Arrivals. Thursday, October 23, 2014.
2014 National Refugee and Immigrant Conference, Chicago, IL.
Audience: Refugee resettlement workers and school employees
Literacy Development for Secondary ELLs. Iowa Conference on Culture and Linguistic Diversity. November 10-11, 2014. Pre-Conference Institute for Educators.
Best Practices for Newly-Arrived Immigrants. Iowa Conference on Culture and Linguistic Diversity. November 10-11, 2014. Audience: K-12 educators.
Developing Resilience in Second Language Students. Ohio TESOL. November 14, 2014.
Co-presented with Judith O’Loughlin.
Workshop for Educators on Unaccompanied Minors. Ohio Dominican U. April 28, 2015.
Best Practices for English Language Learners. Mahoning County ESC. June 16-17. 2015.
Five Best Practices for New Arrivals. WIDA Conference. October 15-16, 2015.
Co-Presented with Judith O’Loughlin.
Picture Books for Secondary ELs. Ohio TESOL Conference. Oct. 30, 2015. Co-Presented with Judith O’Loughlin.
Educational Considerations for Students with Undocumented Status. Ohio Commission on Latino Affairs. January 2016.
How to Design and Implement a Newcomer Program. Regional Educational Laboratory Workshop. March 8, 2016.
Latino Students with Interrupted Education. Ohio Latino Education Summit. Toledo, OH. March 11, 2016.
Refugees in Central Ohio Classrooms. Central Ohio Education Collaborative Conference. Westerville, OH. March 19, 2016.
Five Best Practices for New Arrivals. Pre-Convention Institute. TESOL 2016. Baltimore, MD.
Issues and Challenges of Students with Interrupted Education. TESOL 2016. Baltimore, MD.
Five Best Practices for New Arrivals. Sanibel Leadership Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL
June 22, 2016. Co-presented with Judith O'Loughlin
Issues and Challenges for Students with Interrupted Formal Education, Ohio TESOL, Columbus, OH. October 7, 2016
Working with ELLs and their Families, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Nov. 2, 2016
Facilitator for panel on challenges of refugee integration, Refugee Integration Conference, Columbus, OH. November 4, 2016
Educating ELLs in Central Ohio. Licking Heights School District PD Day, Blacklick, OH. November 8, 2016.
Using Children's Literature in an ESL Classroom, Columbus ESL Department PD Day, Columbus, OH. November 9, 2016
Educating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners. SCOPE Conference, Columbus, OH. November 14, 2016.
Issues and Challenges for Students with Interrupted Formal Education. CATESOL, San Diego, CA. November 19, 2016
Issues and Challenges for Students with Interrupted Formal Education. Central Ohio ESL Collaborative, Columbus, OH. December 7, 2016
Issues and Challenges for Students with Interrupted Formal Education. Pickerington Local Schools Winter Conference, Pickerington, OH January 20, 2017
Pre-Conference Institute: Supporting Students with Interrupted Education. Monday, March 20, 2017. 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin
Discussion of Issues Regarding Students with Interrupted Education. Facilitators: Judith O'Loughlin and Brenda Custodio. Wednesday, March 22, 2017.
Issues and Challenges of Students with Interrupted Education. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. Friday, March 24, 2017.
Five Best Practices for New Arrivals. Invited Session for K-12 Day. 3:00 and 4:15 pm. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. Saturday, March 25, 2017.
Supports for Students with Interrupted Formal Education. Dublin (OH) City Schools.
June 8, 2017.
Strategies for Modifying Lessons for English Learners. ReImagine Conference. Columbus City Schools. Africentric Early College. June 14-15, 2017.
Effective Sheltered Instruction Strategies for SIFE Learners. SIOP National Conference. Newport Beach, CA. June 24, 2017. Co-Presented with Judith O’Loughlin.
Fostering Resilience in SIFE Learners. SETESOL. Birmingham, AL. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin.October 6, 2017.
Supporting SIFE Learners. WIDA Conference. Tampa, FL. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin.October 18, 2017.
Supporting Our SIFE Learners. Featured Speaker w/ Judith O’Loughlin. 2017 Ohio TESOL.
Classroom Supports for English Learners. PD for Dublin City Schools with Dr. Bev Good. 2017
Literacy Strategies for English Learners in the Content Classroom. Washington CH. October 2018.
Building Resilience in English Learners. Eakin ES. Columbus City Schools. October 10, 2018.
Ten Thirty-Minute PD Activities. Ohio TESOL Fall Conference. October 12, 2013. Co-Presented with Mark Paskert.
Supporting Students with Interrupted Education. Michigan TESOL. Ypsilanti, MI. October 19, 2018.
Supporting Students with Interrupted Education. Keynote Speaker at PACE Day for LATESOL. November 1, 2018.
Supporting Students with Interrupted Education. PCI at TESOL. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. Atlanta 2019
Supporting Students with Interrupted Education. PD workshop for Washington DC schools. April 12, 2019
The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching. Re-Imagine Conference for Columbus City Schools, June 2019
Building Resilience in Newcomer Students. Workshop for Southeast TESOL. Orlando FL. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. November 2019
Supporting English Learners with Trauma. Learning Forward Conference. Columbus OH. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. July 2020
Supporting Students with Interrupted Education. MIDTESOL. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. October 3, 2020.
Helping Newcomers Build Resilience: The "I Have, I Am, I Can Model". MIDTESOL. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. October 3, 2020.
Helping Newcomers Build Resilience: The "I Have, I Am, I Can Model". CATESOL. Co-Presented with Judith O'Loughlin. October 8, 2020.
Students with limited or interrupted formal education: What we have learned and next steps. Invited Speakers at MDTESOL. Co-Presenter with Luis Penton Herrera and Judith O’Loughlin. November 7, 2020.
Judith B. O’Loughlin, M.Ed.
Skills and Subject Area Expertise
Experience providing professional development for ESL and mainstream teachers working with English Language Learners in regular education classrooms, differentiated instruction, assessment, and collaborative teaching
Curriculum development, with an emphasis on developmental reading, reading and learning through the content areas, working with the young ESL/EFL learner
Standards development and alignment, correlating language arts standards and the Pre-K-12 English Language Proficiency Standards Development of curriculum models based on state English language development standards
Course development for online and blended graduate programs, leading toward teacher endorsement/credential and/or graduate degrees (e.g., New Jersey City University, Kaplan, and the University of Missouri, Kansas City, ObaVerse – TESOL and CAL)
Professional Experience
October – November, 2018 Visiting Faculty Member, Focus on the Young Learner, SOKA University, Tokyo, Japan
2003-2020 Independent ESL Consultant/Teacher-Trainer - Certified Pearson S.I.O.P. Trainer (2004) and W.I.D.A. Certified Consultant (2010)
2001-2012 Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program, ESL and Bilingual Certification, New Jersey City University, Jersey City, NJ, USA (online from 2003).
2013–Present Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program, The Ohio State University Research Foundation, Project KNOTtT Teacher Preparation Federally Funded Project “Transition to Teaching.” Currently consultant for the EFs4ELs grant project.
2003 –2012 Consultant, Center for Applied Linguistics for Graduate Course Development and Implementation and ESL/ELL Curriculum Projects:
2008 -2010 (A) Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program, TESOL Certification, University of Missouri, Kansas City, Kansas City, MO, USA (Project EXCELL Office of English Language Acquisition Grant, University of Missouri, Kansas City and North Kansas City Schools) (Blended Teaching – online and face-to-face)
2007- 2010 (B) Curriculum Mapping Project – North Kansas City Schools, as one of the Project EXCELL grant goals.
2005-2007 (C) Curriculum Model Development Project, based on the MA ELPBO, ELL State Standards, MA Department of Education.
2005-2007 (D) Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program, TESOL Certification,
Cambridge College and MA Department of Education (Blended Methods of ESL course)
2003-2005 (E) Adjunct Professor, Graduate Program, TESOL Certification, Heritage University, Yakima, WA (Blended Methods ESL course)
1988—2003 ESL Specialist and Special Education Teacher, Ho-Ho-Kus Public School, NJ, USA (low incidence population of English Learners)
1986-1988 ESL Specialist, Special Services School District, Bergen County, NJ 1982-1988 - 1995 Adult Education Instructor and Adult ESL Program Designer, Paramus
Community School for Adult and Continuing Education, NJ (Sole developer of standards and curriculum, as well as teacher for the program)
1978 –1995 Adult Education ESL Teacher, Hackensack Evening School for the Foreign Born, Hackensack, NJ, USA
1995-1997 Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, Two Certifications: NJ USA Teacher of the Handicapped, Post-Masters Certification Program, Grades K-12; NJ Learning Disabilities Teacher Consultant Endorsement, Post-Masters Certification Programs
1990 M.Ed. William Paterson University, NJ USA Elementary Education with ESL Specialization Additional NJ Certifications: Teacher of English, grades 7-12; Teacher of Elementary Education, multiple subjects,
Title VII Bilingual/ESL Teacher Training Grant Awardee
President’s Award, NJTESOL/NJBE, Inc., for Leadership in the Field of Teaching and Advocacy for Language Minority Children, 2004
Award -Excellence in Teaching Multicultural Education, Multicultural Teacher of the Year, Seton Hall University, Orange, NJ, 2003
Who’s Who In American Women, 1999 – to present
Kappa Delta Pi – education honor society
Pi Lambda Theta – education honor society
TESOL 50 at 50 – Recognized for Significant Contributions to the Profession. (April, 2016)
O’Loughlin, J.B. & Custodio. (2021) Supporting the Journey of English Learners After Trauma. University of Michigan Press ELT: Ann Arbor, MI.
Custodio, B & O’Loughlin, J.B. (2017) Students with Interrupted Formal Education: Bridging Where They Are and What They Need. Corwin, A Sage Publishing Company: Thousand Oaks, CA.
O’Loughlin, J. B. “Chapter 10: Beyond History: Glimpses Into the Past Through Picture Books,” in The CCSS in English language arts in grades k-5. Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc.
O’Loughlin, J. (2013) “What Time is it?” in Gottlieb & Ernst-Slavit (eds.) Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms: Mathematics, Grades 3-5, Promoting Content and Language Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
O’Loughlin, J. & Carnuccio, L. (Oct., 2012) “Blending Common Core and TESOL Standards for ELLs,” in TESOL Connections: Keeping English language professionals connected.
O’Loughlin, J. (Oct., 2011) “Experience Speaks: On Coteaching and Collaboration,” in TESOL Connections: Keeping English language professionals connected.
O’Loughlin, J. B. (2011). “Voices from the field: Teacher reflections on co-teaching experiences,” in Honigsfeld, A. & Dove, M. (Eds.) Co-teaching and other collaborative practices in the EFL/ESL Classroom: Rationale, research, reflections, and recommendations. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2010) Academic language accelerator. Oxford University Press.: Oxford, UK.
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2008) with Cheryl L. Huffman, Lynore M. Carnuccio, and Roger Rosenthal, “Leadership in addressing linguistic and cultural diversity in low-incidence public school settings,” in Coombe, C., McCloskey, M.L.,Stephenson, L., and Anderson. N.J. (eds) Leadership in English language teaching and learning. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2003). Cross-content standards: Language arts literacy and ESL, K-12, New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Bilingual and Equity Issues, Trenton, NJ.
O’Loughlin, J.B. (April, 2003) “Collaborative Instruction,” in ELL Outlook, Online Newsletter [Alex Ragan, Research Analyst/ Writer, Course Crafters, Inc. Editor,]
O’Loughlin, J.B., with Cheryl L. Huffman, Lynore M. Carnuccio, and Roger Rosenthal [September-October, 2003] “Small Numbers, Big Challenges: Designing and Delivering Programs for Low Incidence English Language learners,” NABE News.
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2003) “Collaborative Instruction,” in ELL Outlook, Online Newsletterhttp://www.coursecrafters.come [Alex Ragan, Research Analyst/ Writer, Course Crafters, Inc. Editor,]
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2002) “Student Performance Indicators,” with L. Carnuccio, in Program evaluation: English as a second language: A comprehensive guide for standards-based program evaluation for schools committed to continuous improvement. National Study for School Evaluation,
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2001) “Heard on the Web: Discussion of Appropriate Materials on the EEIS- L,” and Book Review: “My ABC Storybook,” in TESOL Journal.
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2001),“Terrorism and War Change the Roles of ESL/Bilingual Educators.” NJTESOL/NJBE Voices, New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and New Jersey Bilingual Educators
O’Loughlin, J.B. (2001) “Collaborative Instruction,” in Teaching ESL K-12: Views from the Classroom Helene Becker, with commentary from Else Hamayan, Newbury House Teacher Development, Heinle and Heinle, Thompson Learning, ISBN: 083847901.
O’Loughlin, J.B., (2000) “Egg-citing Animals,” with J. Haynes in Smallwood, B.A.). (Ed.) Integrating the ESL atandards into classroom practice. Grades pre-K – 2. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages .
O’Loughlin, J.B. (1999-2001) “Adaptations for Content Area Instruction in the Elementary School,” with J. Haynes (1999) and “Acts of Advocacy: Advocacy Project Ends with State Adoption of ESL Standards Into Code,” (2001), in TESOL Matters
O’Loughlin, J.B. (1999-2001) “Adaptations for Content Area Instruction in the Elementary School,” with J. Haynes (1999) and “Acts of Advocacy: Advocacy Project Ends with State Adoption of ESL Standards Into Code,” (2001), in TESOL Matters (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
O’Loughlin, J.B. (1999) “Retell, React, Respond in Writing: in Teachers learning with children: The Newsletter of the JALT Teaching Children SIG. TESOL International.
Presentations: (Partial List for 2008-2021)
Starting an ESL Program. Judith O’Loughlin and Brenda Custodio. TESOL Webinar. November 2008. Audience: K-Adult Educators, both ESL and EFL. Requested by Pearson after TESOL initial webinar: “How to Design and Implement a Newcomer Program.” Brenda Custodio. Pearson Webinar. March 25, 2011. Audience: K-12 Educators
Best Practices for Student with Interrupted Formal Education. Brenda Custodio and Judith OLoughlin, ASCD. Philadelphia, PA: March 25, 2012 Audience: K-12 Educators, Curriculum Coordinators, ESL Supervisors
Establishing a Newcomer Program and Introducing Standards-Based Instruction and Assessment. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. Ohio TESOL Conference, November 15, 2013. K-12 Educators and Directors of Instruction
How to Establish a Newcomer Program Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin, TESOL PCI, Portland, OR: March 25, 2014. K-12 Educators
Developing Resilience in Second Language Students. Ohio TESOL. November 14, 2014. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. K-12 Educators and Supervisors of Instruction
Five Best Practices for Academic Success for New Arrivals. April 16 and 17, 2015 Idaho ESEA, Title I Conference, Boise ID (Presented twice by request – Three hours on 4/16/15 and 1.5 hours on 4/17/15) Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin K-12 Educators
WIDA National Conference, October 16, 2015, Las Vegas, NV: Five Best Practices for Academic Success for New Arrivals. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. WIDA state directors and school district representatives.
Five Best Practices for Academic Success for New Arrivals, Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. April 4, 2016. Pre-Convention Institute. TESOL Convention. Baltimore, MD. K-12 Educators and Supervisors.
Educating Students with Interrupted Formal Education. April 7, 2016. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. TESOL Convention. Baltimore, MD. General Audience.
Welcoming Newcomers. June 23, 2016. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. Sanibel Leadership Conference. Clearwater Beach, Florida. Audience: ESL and Bilingual Coordinators in Florida. Supervisors of Instruction in Florida.
Supporting Students with Interrupted Formal Education, March 20, 2017. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin, TESOL Convention, Seattle, Washington.
SIOP National Conference, Newport Beach, CA. Effective SIOP Instruction Strategies for SIFE Learners. June 29-30, 2017. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. SIOP trained educators.
WIDA Annual Conference, Tampa, FL. “Supporting Students with Interrupted Formal Education,” October 18, 2017. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin
Featured Invited Session – Supporting Students with Interrupted Formal Education. Ohio TESOL, October 27, 2017, Columbus Ohio. Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. K-12 Educators, Supervisors, and Administrators.
Invited Plenary, Breakout Session – Helping Newcomers Become Resilient: The I Have, I Am, I Can Model. NNETESOL, Burlington, VT November 4, 2017 Judith B. O’Loughlin K-12 Educators. (Replicated for TESOL International Conferences 2019, 2020, and 2021 – virtually presented)
Invited Speaker, Iowa Language and Cultures Conference, November 7-8, 2017. Five Best Practices for Students with Interrupted Formal Education and Building Learner Resilience. Judith O’Loughlin. K-12 Educators and Supervisors
JALT (Japanese Association of Language Teaching). November, 2018. Invited Plenary Speaker. Three Strategies for Fostering Learner Resilience. JALT Junior featured session: Picture Book Visuals and Text Enhance Comprehension.
Supporting Students with Interrupted Education. March 2018, 2019, and upcoming for 2021 (virtually) Brenda Custodio and Judith O’Loughlin. TESOL Convention, Chicago. Half Day PCI; Atlanta, Full Day PCI. J-12 Educators and Supervisors.
NJTESOL-NJBE 50th Anniversary Conference: New Brunswick, NJ. Students with Interrupted Formal Education (5/30/19) and Building Resilient Learners, (5/29/19) with Brenda Custodio. Adjudicated presentations. (Special recognition as a Past President of the organization.)
Cobb County Public Schools, Marietta, GA. July 25, 2019 - Strategies for Supporting Newcomers. With Brenda Custodio. Two half-day sessions for teachers. Invited speakers.
CESA 6 Regional Center, Oshkosh, WI Virtual Presentation: Students with Interrupted
Formal Education: Bridging Where They Are and What They Need. (Invited speaker) K-8 regional ESL teachers.
Southeast Regional TESOL Conference, October2019, Orlando, FL
Pre-Conference Institute – The Six Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners: Empowering Teachers and Learners (Invited Presentation)
Motivating All Educators to Move from Obstructive to Constructive Beliefs about English Learners(invited presentation)
Helping Newcomers Become Resilient: “I Have, I Am, I Can with Brenda Custodio
Learning Forward Conference, Columbus, OH (virtual -pre-recorded) Supporting English Learners with Traumawith Brenda Custodio. July, 2020
MIDTESOL. Supporting Students with Interrupted Education with Brenda Custodio October 3, 2020.
CATESOL State Conference. Helping Newcomers Build Resilience: The "I Have, I Am, I Can Model" with Brenda Custodio. October 8, 2020.
MDTESOL. Invited Speakers. Students with limited or interrupted formal education: What we have learned and next steps. Co-Presenter with Brenda Custodio and Luis Penton Herrera. November 7, 2020.
IATEFL, June, 2021. Invited Speaker for Pre-Conference Event. Panel of Speakers. Session: Migrant Narratives in EFL and ESOL Classroom
Complete List of TESOL, NABE, CABE, CATESOL, CRA, and ASCD presentations available upon request.